Factors to Consider When Selecting News Sources


Whether you’re interested in sports, music, politics, or other forms of news, there are some factors to consider when selecting your news sources. These factors include Magnitude, Timeliness, Impact, and Relevance.


Throughout the history of news, timeliness has played a key role in the response to news. Timeliness refers to the availability of news at a specific moment in time. It has been used to emphasize the ritualistic quality of news and to enhance readers’ expectations of distant affairs.

The 19th century changed the temporal rhythms of news production. The telegraph transformed reporting into a series of impulses and fostered a daily news cycle. This change in journalistic practices shifted the relationship between reporters and audiences.


Using information science to explore the magnitude of news in the financial markets. The magnitude of news is not a single event, but rather it is the result of a set of related events that are observable in the short term and long term. The magnitude of news is a good measure of how much an event or series of events will impact a price or a market.

Impact of an event

Despite the fact that event impact research is still a core part of event studies, the scope of this research is expanding. Public interest in this field is becoming overwhelming. This presents challenges for event researchers. The articles in this special issue address these challenges by integrating impacts into holistic models, addressing the need for a broad academic knowledge base, and expanding the scope of event impacts studies.


Whether it is a political scandal, the local football team or a train accident, the relevance of news is a central feature of its production and reception. News is produced and received at different times and with different media.

Relevance is a complex construct, which is often studied from a textual perspective. It is a complicated combination of factors, which may or may not be controlled by the topic of the news story.

Journalistic language

Whether you are writing for a newspaper, a website, or a TV show, journalistic language will have an effect on the final product. If you don’t know what it is, or how to use it, you could be missing out on some valuable information.

A good headline is a must for any news article. The best headlines will include a brief summary of the main point of the article. The information should be placed at the top of the page so it is easily seen. A good headline also includes alliteration and a few other tricks.

Influences on news selection

Traditionally, scholars have focused on the news selection process by media and media institutions. In this article, we explore the role of media influences on news selection, with a particular focus on the news value research. We also discuss selected results from two different types of media news – newspaper and television news.

The analysis is based on a multi-method approach, including in-depth interviews, content analysis, and newsroom observations. This approach allows for an empirical quantitative approach that takes the “journalistic agency” of journalists more seriously. In addition to exploring the news selection process, the authors also examine the relationships between the news organisation and the journalists.